- Practical info-
Benjamin De Cleen wins the 2024 Harrison Prize
The paper 'Populism of the Privileged: On the Use of Underdog Identities by Comparatively Privileged Groups', co-authored by ECHO co-director prof. dr. Benjamin De Cleen has been announced winner of The 2024 Harrison Prize by the editors of Political Studies, Sage. - Practical info-
Yazan Badran joins the Journalism Practice editorial board
Journalism Practice welcomes ECHO researcher prof. dr. Yazan Badran as new member of its editorial board. - Practical info-
Omran Shroufi talks with 'Belga' and 'Factcheck.Vlaanderen' about the Bundestag election results in Germany
ECHO postdoctoral researcher Dr. Omran Shroufi contextualises and analysises the recent Bundestag election results in Germany for the Belgian press agency ‘Belga’ and the website ‘Factcheck.Vlaanderen’. - Practical info-
Kevin Smets on how participatory filmmaking can deepen our understanding of life on the border
ECHO researcher prof. dr. Kevin Smets writes about participatory film making and how to guarantee a sustainable "afterlife" of films made in projects, such as our own ERC-funded Reel Borders. - Practical info-
Farmers as symbol of ‘the people' - interview with Gijs Lambrechts and Benjamin De Cleen
The interview surrounds the researchers' recently published article, 'Farmers as symbol of ‘the people’: Nationalism and populism in Vlaams Belang’s discourse about farmers'. - Practical info-
ECHO-DESIRE lecture and discussion with Dominique Maingueneau
The topic of January's seminar includes the “French” discourse analysis approach to political discourse. - Practical info-
ECHO research Seminar with Bernhard Forchtner
In this research seminar, Bernhard Forchtner considers a wide range of multimodal constructions of environmental issues by the far right. - Practical info-
PhD Defense of Yuejue Zhang
Yuejue Zhang successfully completed the public defense of her PhD thesis titled: “China as an ‘Imagined Other’ in Belgium: An analysis of Belgian perceptions towards China and Chinese people”. - Practical info-
ECHO research Seminar with Amanda Alencar
In the most recent ECHO research Seminar, Amanda Alencar talked about 'aspirational place-making' and digital practices of refugees in the Netherlands. - Practical info-
Guadalupe Peres receives the Marie Curie Award from the National Academy of Sciences of Bolivia
We are celebrating dr. Guadalupe Peres, who has been granted the Marie Curie Award. This prize recognises Bolivian women who contribute to scientific and social development in Bolivia. - Practical info-
ECHO research Seminar with Koen Leurs
In the most recent ECHO research Seminar, Koen Leurs talked about contradictions, tensions and hopes that characterize digital migration dynamics. - Practical info-
ECHO members participate in 10th European Communication Conference
Multiple ECHO members joined the 10th European Communication Conference by the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in Slovenia. Contributions range from panels to individual presentations. - Practical info-
ECHO-Reel Borders Research Seminar with Nadica Denić
In this seminar organised by the 'Reel Borders' project Nadica Denić (UvA) talks about cinematic ethics of migration. - Practical info-
Johana Kotišová joins the editorial team of the international journal 'Media, War & Conflict'
Congratulations to ECHO researcher Dr. Johana Kotišová on her new position as review editor for Media, War & Conflict. - Practical info-
Reel Borders launches webdoc and petition
The ABCeuta web documentary is created as part of the ERC project 'Reel Borders' and showcases 26 short essay films. Along with the webdoc, the team launched a petition in support of domestic workers in Ceuta who are forced to live in precarious conditions. - Practical info-
Call for abstracts – Special issue on ‘The Far Right and Audiovisual Fiction’
This research seminar discusses discourse as a social practice and focuses on discourse analysis, authoritarian populism, and the news media. - Practical info-
Joint DESIRE-ECHO Research Seminar with Marianna Patrona
This research seminar discusses discourse as a social practice and focuses on discourse analysis, authoritarian populism, and the news media. - Practical info-
ECHO Research Seminar with Karin Wahl-Jorgensen
This seminar Karin Wahl-Jorogensen proposes a framework for understanding the role of mediated emotions in shaping the capacity of social movements to effect change. - Practical info-
Multiple ECHO members joined the Helsinki conference on emotions, populism, and polarised politics, media, and culture hosted by the University of Helsinki (HEPP4). Contributions range from panels to individual presentations. - Practical info-
ECHO Research Seminar with Ilija Tomanić Trivundža
In this talk, Ilija Tomanić Trivundža will present the evolution of the pictogramisation of photojournalism as such images move from the domain of soft news, crime and thematic coverage into spot news coverage and war photography. - Practical info-
Johana Kotišová speaks at EU 'Outstanding Research Careers' panel
ECHO researcher, Johana Kotišová, was invited by the EU to participate in a talk regarding "Outstanding Research Careers". - Practical info-
PhD Defense of Jana Goyvaerts
Jana Goyvaerts successfully completed the public defense of her PhD thesis titled: “We Need To Talk About How We Talk About Populism: The signifier populism and discursive struggles about democracy in the Belgian press”. - Practical info-
Join the team: ECHO is looking for a project manager
ECHO is looking for a project manager to help shoulder the development and implementation of the group's growth plan. - Practical info-
Jiyan Faris completes successful public defence of her doctoral thesis
Jiyan Faris defended her doctoral thesis entitled: “Media Capture. The Political Reality of Media Undergoing a Transitional Democracy: The Case of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq after 2003”. - Practical info-
Reel Borders talks about labour, gender and mobility at the European Parliament
The Reel Borders Team presented part of their research on the Moroccan-Spanish border in Ceuta which sheds light on the complex and problematic realities hundreds of women are forced to live with since the closing of its borders during the covid-pandemic. - Practical info-
Far Right Fictions Kick-off Workshop
On 21 and 22 September 2023, our research project ‘Far Right Fictions’ held a two-day workshop in Brussels to meet with like-minded researchers and develop ideas for the project’s research going forward. - Practical info-
New handbook on analyzing media and communication texts co-edited by ECHO's Joke Bauwens & Willem Joris
The new handbook is set to release on Friday the 6th of October and includes chapters authored by Joke Bauwens, Rein Demunter and Benjamin De Cleen. - Practical info-
Joint DESIRE-ECHO Research Seminar with Eviane Leidig
During the November edition of the joint DESIRE-ECHO Seminar, Eviane Leidig (Tilburg University) presents ‘Book talk for The Women of the Far Right: Social Media Influencers and Online Radicalization'. - Practical info-
Pascal Verhoest to speak at workshop on migration, media, and policy
As part of the 'H2020 OPPORTUNITIES' research project, Brussels Center for Journalism Studies and KU Leuven organise a workshop aimed at shaping a fair narrative on migration via media and policy. - Practical info-
Reason And Engange: a course stimulating critical reflection on humanity and society
'Reason and Engage' kicks off the academic year with an inaugural lecture by Jules Netherland (PhD). Echo Honorary Director Joke Bauwens is one of the professors putting her shoulders to the wheel, to create this interdisciplinary course that aims to encourage critical reflection and societal engagement. - Practical info-
The Power of Political Style: Comparing Populist Media, From Fox News to The Young Turks, From Cable to YouTube, From Right to Left
This research seminar offers insights into why Fox News—conservative America’s number one news source—has been commercially successful and politically effective. - Practical info-
Briar Dickey completes PhD Workshop on studying violent online extremism in Oslo
PhD fellow Briar Dickey visited the University of Oslo to attend a PhD Workshop on researching extremism online, organised jointly by the Global Network on Extremism and Technology: GNET and CREX: Center for Research on Extremism. - Practical info-
ECHO PhD Fellows present research at IAMCR 2023
Multiple ECHO members joined this year's conference hosted by The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Lyon. - Practical info-
PhD Defense of Guadalupe Peres Cajas
Echo researcher, Guadalupe Peres Cajas, successfully obtained the title of Doctor in the Media and Communication Studies, after her public defense on Thursday the 13th of July 2023. - Practical info-
PhD Defense of Jolien van Keulen
Long-time echo member, Jolien van Keulen, completed a successfull public PhD defense on Wednesday the 5th of July. - Practical info-
Silvia Almenara Niebla discusses EU’s new Pact on Migration and Asylum at Euronews
Our very own Silvia Almenara Niebla is invited at the programme 'Brussels, my love?', to participate in a debat around the EU’s new Pact on Migration and Asylum. - Practical info-
VUB & EhB co-creation lab at the Summer Assembly with Joke Bauwens
Together with colleagues from EhB, prof. dr. Bauwens will be hosting a co-creation lab at this year's Summer Assembly. This co-creation lab aims to stimulate, nurture, and collect young people’s images of the future for culture in Brussels. - Practical info-
Reel Borders shorts at Docs Ireland
This year's edition of Docs Ireland will feature a screening of 4 Reel Borders' short films. - Practical info-
Reel Borders Starts Turkish-Syrian border fieldwork
Researchers of the Reel Borders Team were hosted by our partners İlke Şanlıer and Aydın Çam from Çukurova University in Adana. - Practical info-
Joint DESIRE-ECHO Research Seminar with Aurelien Mondon
During the most recent joint DESIRE-ECHO research seminar, Aurelien Mondon discussed in his talk the role of the media in legitimising far right politics. - Practical info-
Fatima Zahid Ali on Gender Discourse and Transphobia in Pakistan’s Digital Sphere for LSE
PhD fellow Fatima Zahid Ali, reflects on how the banning and limited release, of the acclaimed movie ‘Joyland’ has affected the historic khawajasira community in Pakistan. - Practical info-
Reel Borders shorts selected for Docs Ireland Film Festival
This year's edition of Docs Ireland will feature a screening of 4 Reel Borders' short films. - Practical info-
Johana Kotišová and Valériane Mistiaen awarded FWO postdoctoral fellowship
The FWO research foundation grants two ECHO researchers, Johana Kotišová and Valériane Mistiaen, a three-year postdoctoral fellowship. - Practical info-
Giacomo Toffano completes two-month research stay in Australia
Our Ph.D. fellow, Giacomo Toffano, recently completed a two-month research trip to Australia. During his time at the University of Melbourne, Giacomo served as a visiting scholar in the Art Faculty. - Practical info-
VUB Interview with Rein Demunter on The Social Importance of Inclusive LGBTQAI+ Advertising
ECHO member Rein Demunter talks to VUB about the social importance of inclusive LGBTQAI+ advertising, in the light of the annual pride celebrations. - Practical info-
Book Launch Of 'Een Vraag Naar Waarheid' With Co-Editor Joke Bauwens
'Een Vraag Naar Waarheid', the new book of VUB think tank POINcaré will be introduced on Monday the 22nd of may 2023. - Practical info-
Irene Gutiérrez and Kevin Smets (Reel Borders) join Difference Day for panel on 'Views from along the border'
In celebration of press freedom, Difference Day honors the importance of a diverse and democratic repertoir of voices and opinions in media and communication beyond.
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PhD defense of Valériane Mistiaen
Echo member, Valériane Mistiaen, succesfully completed her public PhD defense on Thursday the 27th of April.
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Aurelien Mondon - The far right, the media and the construction of a reactionary people
Aurelien Mondon will be discussing the role of the media in legitimising far right politics in the upcoming DESIRE-ECHO Research Seminar. - Practical info-
ECREA Conference section on Diaspora, Migration and Media co-chaired by Silvia Almenara-Niebla
This year's edition will focus on transnational families and media practices: methods, ethics and critical approaches. - Practical info-
Reel Borders Shorts at Scéal Eile: The Belgian-Irish Film Festival
Reel Borders contributed to Scéal Eile by curating the program of 'Lines of Light: a retrospective of films that tackle the Irish border'. The films produced as part of the project will be screened on Saturday afternoon with the directors. - Practical info-
Joke Bauwens is Co-editor of New Book 'Een Vraag Naar Waarheid'
'Een Vraag Naar Waarheid', the new boek of VUB think tank POINcaré will be introduced on Saturday the 25th of march 2023. - Practical info
ECHO to Launch New Project on 'Far Right Fiction'
Far right fictions: The meanings of audiovisual fiction among ‘emerging citizens’ with far right sympathies – ‘Stragtegic Research Programme (SRP) Growth Funding' - Practical info-
PhD Masterclass - Discourse Theoretical Approaches to Politics, Society, Communication and Media
The centre for the study of Democracy, Signification and Resistance (DESIRE) is organising a one-day PhD masterclass on discourse theoretical approaches to politics, society, communication and media. - Practical info-
Discourse Theory: Ways Forward, 2nd Edition
After a successful first edition in 2019, the centre for the study of Democracy, Signification and Resistance (DESIRE) will hold a second edition of its colloquium ‘Discourse Theory: Ways Forward’ on 23-24 march 2023. - Practical info-
Kevin Smets - Material, Visual and Digital Culture Research Seminar
Kevin Smets is invited by UCL Anthropology to talk about the "Reel Borders" project as part of the Material, Visual and Digital Culture Research Seminars. - Practical info-
Zoltán Dujisin - Power-Interactive Expertise as a form of Journalistic Expertise
Drawing from in-depth interviews with El País journalists, Dujisin argues newsroom hysteresis, precipitated by the field of power’s growing encroachment on the journalistic field, helps reveal an undertheorized aspect of the journalistic profession: power-interactive expertise. - Practical info-
Benjamin De Cleen - Seminar on Populism and Communication
25TH NOVEMBER 2022 - UNIVERSITÉ SAINT-LOUIS, BRUSSELS Populism and communication: between populist discourses and discourses on populism Seminar with Benjamin Cleen - Practical info
Kevin Smets presents his book "Film: Een Geschiedenis"
13TH OCTOBER 2022 - GHENT Book presentation: Kevin Smets "film: een geschiedenis" Film Fest Gent - Practical info
Etmaal 22 Dag van de Communicatiewetenschap
9TH SEPTEMBER 2022 - BRUSSELS Etmaal 22 dag van de communicatiewetenschap ROYAL MUSEUMS OF FINE ARTS OF BELGIUM - Practical info
Phd masterclass - Discourse Theoretical Approaches to Politics, Society, Communication and Media
22ND MARCH 2023 - BRUSSELS Discourse theoretical approaches to politics, society, communication and media PHD MASTERCLASS - Practical info
Discourse Theory: Ways Forward, 2nd Edition
23RD, 24RD MARCH 2023 - BRUSSELS Discourse theory: ways forward, 2nd edition PALACE OF THE ACADEMIES - Practical info
Yazan Badran – FWO Junior Postdoctoral Fellowship
1ST JUNE 2022 - BRUSSELS Yazan Badran - FWO junior postdoctoral fellowship Satire across borders: production, content and audiences of Pan-Arab news satire - Practical info
REEL BORDERS - Presentation and Top Paper finalist at ICA 2022
30TH MAY 2022 - PARIS Reel borders - presentation and top paper finalist at ICA 2022 beating the border: playing with migrant experiences and borderveillant spectatorship in Channel 4's smuggled (2019) - Practical info
EUTOPIA - Théo Aiolfi joins ECHO for secondment
SEPTEMBER 2023 - BRUSSELS EUTOPIA - Théo Aiolfi joins ECHO Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Science and Innovation Fellowship (SIF) - Practical info-
Reel Borders - Participatory Filmmaking Workshop
11 APRIL TO 4 JUNE 2022 - DERRY/LONDONDERRY NORTHERN IRELAND Participatory filmmaking workshop by Irene Gutiérrez - Practical info
Benjamin De Cleen - Lecture for the Association Française de Sociologie
MONDAY 4 APRIL, 2022 - ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DE SOCIOLOGIE Populism, nationalism, internationalism: a conceptual framework Lesson by Benjamin De Cleen - Practical info
Kevin Smets - Workshop on Visual and Participatory Methods at BIRMM Research Day
Thursday 5 May, 14.30- Pleinlaan 5,
- Practical info
Sam Bennett - Doing Qualitative (Discourse) Analysis on Twitter
Thursday 28 April, 9.30-11.30 Pleinlaan 5,
Raadzaal, room 5.4.21Doing Qualitative (Discourse) Analysis on Twitter
Lecture by Sam Bennett
- Practical info
Benjamin De Cleen: Roundtable on The Populist-Nationalist Nexus
(13th October 2021) An online roundtable with Benjamin de Cleen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Bart Bonikowski (New York University). In the context of the roundtable, ECHO Prof.
- Practical info
Yazan Badran: Social media and contentious politics a decade on from the Arab uprisings
(28th October 2021) An online lecture by Dr. Yazan Badran, Postdoctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. The lecture is no.
- Practical info
Etmaal van de Communicatie-wetenschap 2022
(10th February 2022) On 10 and 11 February, the Department of Communication Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Brussel hosted the 2022 online edition of the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap. This year’s Etmaal conference has put ‘Diversity, democracy & communication’ as its core theme.
- Practical info
PhD defense of Yazan Badran
(23rd September 2021) The echo member, Yazan Badran, publicly defended his PhD dissertation, “Emerging Media Organisations.
- Practical info
Benjamin De Cleen in The Populist-Nationalist Nexus: Round Table
(11th October 2021) Are populist parties nationalist? Are nationalist parties populist? How can parties as diverse as SYRIZA in Greece and the Dutch Freedom Party be both populist and nationalist? In this session, our guests delve deeper into the populist-nationalist nexus.
- Practical info
Jana Goyvaerts: media and populism: defending what kind of democracy?
(20th April 2021) DESIRE organizes several guest lectures as part of the course “Populist and Radical Political Discourses in Europe”, taught by Benjamin De Clee - Practical info
Léonie De Jonge: the media and the populist radical right
(30th March 2021) DESIRE organizes several guest lectures as part of the course “Populist and Radical Political Discourses in Europe”, taught by Benjamin De Clee - Practical info
Jacopo Custodi: nationalism and populism in Podemos
(23rd March 2021) DESIRE organizes several guest lectures as part of the course “Populist and Radical Political Discourses in Europe”, taught by Benjamin De Clee - Practical info
Ruth Breeze: nationalism and populism on the radical right
(16th March 2021) DESIRE organizes several guest lectures as part of the course “Populist and Radical Political Discourses in Europe”, taught by Benjamin De Clee - Practical info
Katy Brown & Aurelien Mondon: media, populism and the mainstreaming of the radical right
(27th April 2021) DESIRE organizes several guest lectures as part of the course “Populist and Radical Political Discourses in Europe”, taught by Benjamin De Clee - Practical info
Louise Knops: populism, indignation and affect
(4th May 2021) DESIRE organizes several guest lectures as part of the course “Populist and Radical Political Discourses in Europe”, taught by Benjamin De Cleen i