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ECHO & DESIRE lecture and discussion with Dominique Maingueneau
The topic of January's seminar includes the “French” discourse analysis approach to political discourse. - Practical info-
ECHO research Seminar with Bernhard Forchtner
In this research seminar, Bernhard Forchtner considers a wide range of multimodal constructions of environmental issues by the far right. - Practical info-
PhD Defense of Yuejue Zhang
Yuejue Zhang successfully completed the public defense of her PhD thesis titled: “China as an ‘Imagined Other’ in Belgium: An analysis of Belgian perceptions towards China and Chinese people”. - Practical info-
ECHO research Seminar with Amanda Alencar
In the most recent ECHO research Seminar, Amanda Alencar talked about 'aspirational place-making' and digital practices of refugees in the Netherlands. - Practical info-
Guadalupe Peres receives the Marie Curie Award from the National Academy of Sciences of Bolivia
We are celebrating dr. Guadalupe Peres, who has been granted the Marie Curie Award. This prize recognises Bolivian women who contribute to scientific and social development in Bolivia. - Practical info-
ECHO research Seminar with Koen Leurs
In the most recent ECHO research Seminar, Koen Leurs talked about contradictions, tensions and hopes that characterize digital migration dynamics. - Practical info-
ECHO members participate in 10th European Communication Conference
Multiple ECHO members joined the 10th European Communication Conference by the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in Slovenia. Contributions range from panels to individual presentations. - Practical info-
ECHO-Reel Borders Research Seminar with Nadica Denić
In this seminar organised by the 'Reel Borders' project Nadica Denić (UvA) talks about cinematic ethics of migration. - Practical info-
Johana Kotišová joins the editorial team of the international journal 'Media, War & Conflict'
Congratulations to ECHO researcher Dr. Johana Kotišová on her new position as review editor for Media, War & Conflict. - Practical info-
Reel Borders launches webdoc and petition
The ABCeuta web documentary is created as part of the ERC project 'Reel Borders' and showcases 26 short essay films. Along with the webdoc, the team launched a petition in support of domestic workers in Ceuta who are forced to live in precarious conditions.