(28th October 2021) An online lecture by Dr. Yazan Badran, Postdoctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. The lecture is no. 6/9 in the fall 2021 online lecture series on Middle Eastern media, diaspora and politics Post-Arab Spring organized by the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

The talk aims to re-examine the complex relationship between social media and contentious politics following the 2011 uprisings in Egypt and Syria and to explore the contingent, differentiated, and contradictory roles social media played in each of these cases. It makes the argument that the alternative hierarchies of power and visibility engendered by digital activism and facilitated by social media play different – and contradictory – roles in the mobilization and post-mobilization phases of the uprisings. The talk is based on a recent publication co-authored with Dr Enrico De Angelis.
For more information on the talk, and the lecture series, see here: