A futures palimpsest for Brussels: Speculating 2039 with Youngsters
28TH - 30TH JUNE 2023 - BRUSSELS
This co-creation lab aims to stimulate, nurture, and collect young people’s images of the future for culture in Brussels through spontaneous conversations in the immediate surroundings of Les Halles. The lab is focused on the rigorous imagination of young people about culture in Brussels in 2039, 9 years after the city’s potential celebration as European Capital of Culture. During the lab, a continuous screening of a map of Brussels in Les Halles will show the urban choreographies of interviewers and interviewees and accumulate into a complex webbing of images and audio recordings of the futures talks. The lab aims to create a ’futures palimpsest’ that will trigger individual and collective agency in the present and near future.
More info about the Summer Assembly here