07 - 09 DECEMBER 2023 - Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
CO-CHAIRED BY Silvia Almenara-Niebla
From the 7th to the 9th of December 2023, the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication and the Department of Media and Communication will be hosting this year's edition of the ECREA Conference section on Diaspora, Migration and Media. The conference includes presentations of keynote speakers Professor Myria Georgiou (The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK) and Associate Professor Amanda Paz Alencar (Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands).
With this year's focus on 'Transnational families and media practices' scholars and PhD researchers are invited to submit abstract proposals that engage with new theoretical, methodological and ethical approaches to this field of study. Other perspectives, such as: historical research into (dis)continuities and works questioning Eurocentric forms of knowledge are encouraged for submission.
Potential topics:
- New approaches to the concept of family and transnational relations in a mediated world
- New understandings of transnational families and digital connectivity
- Diaspora networks
- Creative and participatory methods with transnational families
- Ethical and methodological dilemmas on media practices of transnational families
- Home language maintenance and development of transnational families
- Transnational families as actors of interculturality
- Decolonial approaches to transnational families
- Innovative approaches to Family Language Policy and translanguaging
- Ethical dilemmas of researching the concept of health within transnational families
- Historical perspectives and focus on (dis)continuities
- Transnational families and diverse cities
More information on the conference here